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Service form

Data of company making the complaint

Company name and address: *

Name and surname of person receiving complaint:

Phone to person receiving the complaint:

Date od purchase and invoice number in SANSWISS: *

Data of customer making the complaint

Name and surname: *

Telephone: *

E-mail address:

City: *

Post code:

Address: *

Information about the returned product

Date of acquisition of goods:*

Proof of sale:*

Product name and catalog number: *

Quantity of questioned goods:

Cause of complaint, an accurate description of defects: *

Time and circumstances of the occurrence of defects:

Location of the goods under complaint:

Request of the claimant: *
  • repair
  • exchange
  • service expertise
  • request of missing items
Customer declares that he applies the guarantee:
yes no
* Required fields

Conditions for complaints about SanSwiss products

a) All cases of deliveries with defective products or product shortages are to be declared in writing to the seller within 8 days. After this time all deliveries are accepted as correct with the exceptions of the guarantees below. The seller recognises his duty of guarantee as indicated to the purchaser in writing from the date of delivery of the goods. The seller guarantees his products against all defects of manufacture and will either replace , credit or repair the goods according to the purchaser's requirement.

b) This guarantee covers only defective goods delivered by the seller and does not cover costs relating to the replacement or repair of ancillary products damaged during the replacement of the defective product.

c) Any guarantee is no longer valid if any modifications have been made to the original product.

d) The guarantee is only valid for the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable.

e) The seller reserves the right to refuse payments in case of guarantee should the purchaser be in default of his obligations.